Fluid mortars
Premixed, fluid cementitious mortar, expansive with air curing, containing inorganic fibres, resistant to aggressive environmental agents, designed to restore, repair and reinforce deteriorated concrete structures. It does not require the application of contrasting reinforcements.
What it is used for
BetonFIP FLUID F is the technological evolution of BetonFIP FLUID. It has been designed and formulated to simplify and accelerate the execution phases, increase the durability of interventions and provide a product that can be applied in thicknesses ranging from a minimum of 10 mm up to 50 mm. For interventions thicker than 30 mm, it does not require the application of reinforcements to counteract the expansion of the mortar.
BetonFIP FLUID F is used to restore, repair or reinforce degraded concrete structures such as:
• road infrastructure, bridges/viaducts, overpasses;
• railway infrastructures, bridges/viaducts, stations, shelters, warehouses;
• hydraulic infrastructures, canals, reservoirs, purifiers, pipelines, dams, canal bridges;
• sea structures, jetties, wharves, adduction canals;
• civil structures, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings, residential buildings.
The extremely high fluidity of BetonFIP FLUID F enables fast and reliable application by pouring both horizontally and in the formwork, guaranteeing perfect compaction of the casting. Its expansive property ensures maximum adhesion to the substrate over time. The special formulation increases the durability of the construction thanks to its high resistance to aggressive environmental agents such as chlorides, sulphates, carbon dioxide, etc..
The main requirements and performance characteristics that identify BetonFIP FLUID F are:
High adhesion, which contributes to long-term monolithicity with the original structure;
Extremely easy to use, thanks to the presence of inorganic fibres which counteract expansion and make it possible to eliminate the use of contrast reinforcements; this simplification makes the interventions last longer. In fact, if these reinforcements were placed in contact with or too close to the substrate, adhesion would be lost; if, on the other hand, they were placed too far from the substrate, cracks would appear on the surface due to insufficient concrete cover;
Excellent resistance to cracking, an essential requirement to ensure the durability of the intervention carried out by not creating easy entry routes for aggressive environmental agents. This resistance is achieved by combating cracking due to plastic shrinkage, thanks to the presence of specific polyacrylonitrile fibres in the product;
Excellent resistance to freeze-thaw cycles, which increases the durability of the intervention carried out on concrete structures frequently exposed to low temperatures;
Excellent resistance to aggressive environmental agents, thanks to which durability is guaranteed thanks to the very high impermeability obtained, which prevents water, chlorides, sulphites and carbon dioxide from entering the structure;
High mechanical strength, which is essential for restoration and repair work together with short curing times both for working under traffic (vibrations, etc.) and for quick commissioning;
Appearance and color

Reference standards

