Principali campi d'impiego
It is particularly suitable to:
Paint slightly uneven surfaces, which require an opaque and high coverage finish.
Recommended applications:
Painting surfaces of all kinds: Commercial and residential buildings, showrooms, homes, etc. It is applicable on substrates such as:
- Lime-based civil finishes
- Cement-based civil finishes
- Gypsum (after application of a primer in case of smoothing with very low absorption)
- Surfaces already painted, after careful verification of adhesion and cleaning of the substrate
- Concrete
Standard version: can be coloured according to the licatacolore2.0 colour fan.
High filling power, which allows you to over-paint uneven or marked surfaces.
Good coverage (roller, brush and airless) allows you to fulfil every application need.
Odourless and low VOC content thanks to the high degree of opacity and high white point.
High transpiration feature: the micro-porous structure guarantees excellent water vapour permeability.
Conforms to UNI EN 13300.